News — Trendy

Keosha Parker

The Benefits of a Morning Workout

Starting your day with a morning workout can be a game-changer for your physical and mental health. Here are some of the benefits of a morning workout: Boosts your energy: A morning workout can help you kick start your day and give you an energy boost that lasts throughout the day. Exercise increases blood flow and oxygen to your muscles and brain, which can help you feel more alert and focused.

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Pre-Fall 2016 Collection

This Fall will be epic! GrindLife is introducing new items for Pre-Fall 16' For Women: Items include the Favorite tee, an everyday essential, Dad hats for those intense grind/bad hair days. Also great for those cool mornings on the grind. Don't worry we'll definitely keep the KEWG leggings, with two new colors to be added, (Black-Red) & (Black-Barbie). All leggings will now be sold separately, so you can mix & match to your liking. All leggings are created to go with any GRINDLIFE Apparel tee. The fall colors for this collection are Olive, Maroon, Tan! Ink Colors are Gold and...

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